Fast credits - it is a loan for a small amount and for a short period of time, many companies provide the first loan without any fee. Often such loans are taken until salary is awaited or to buy some things. Features: online registration at any time, no collateral required, quick loan decision, quick receipt of money to the account, first loan without a fee, can be obtained without a job or with a negative credit history, a fixed term and a fixed amount, high interest rates (compared to the other loans).
Consumer credits - it is a loan for a significant amount of money and for up to 5 years. Such loans are taken to purchase expensive goods, to pay for medical services, to travel or rest, to study, to celebrate, as well as to repair housing or cars. Features: online registration at any time, no collateral required, quick loan decision, quick receipt of money to the account, available with a negative credit history or for people working abroad, flexible terms and a big range of amounts, large commissions (in non-banking sector).
Long-term credits - it is a loan for large amounts and for a long term. These loans may be needed to purchase real estate, for construction, for global repairs, for consolidating other loans, for refinancing or for large purchases. Features: online application for a loan at any time, in many cases a pledge is required, long processing and a loan decision, may require the provision of various documents, there must be a legal source of income, an individual approach, low interest rates (in the banking sector).
Car credits - it is a loan for the purchase of a new or used car on lease or to receive money for the security of a car. This loan is secured by a car in any case. Features: online registration at any time, quick loan decision, can be obtained with a negative credit history, the opportunity to receive it without a prepay, in some cases car evaluation and CASCO insurance are required, flexible terms and a big range of amounts, large interest rates (in non-banking sector).
Business loans - it is a loan for entrepreneurs. Usually such loans are taken to pay debts on bills, to invest in a business, to purchase equipment, to repair or for upgrade. Features: online application for a loan at any time, a quick decision on a loan, may require the provision of various documents, flexible terms and large sums, individual approach.

Catalog of the best loans in Denmark. Comparison of loans offers from different credit companies in Denmark. Fast loans in Denmark, consumer loans and lending in Denmark. Recommendations on the selection, ratings and reviews.